Are You Not Worth More?

Are You Not Worth More?

I feel like this is a very controversial thing to write. Despite the controversy, even if you start feeling a little offense in your heart, please try to stick it out to the end. 

This issue has been a human heart issue since humans were created. It was an issue specifically addressed by Jesus. While I am using the example of the recent pandemic, please understand this goes way, way beyond the events of 2020 and 2021. 

I had kept my own thoughts and feelings about the events of 2020 and 2021 pretty private outside of my inner circle. I saw how divided things were, and it was hard to put my energy into arguing with people who were loosing their minds, on both sides of the fence, mind you. 

It seems like a distant memory now. My life is completely back to “normal”, other than living with the crazy inflation and gas prices. 

Even during the height of it, my husband and I chose to change very little about our day to day lives. We did not shelter or quarantine. We did not wear masks, unless we absolutely had to. We did not stop seeing people. 

It may anger you just to read that. You may think I’m irresponsible, that I don’t love my neighbor, or I don’t understand “the science”. Maybe you are just thinking that I should have bowed down and submitted to the authority of my government. 

You can think whatever you want about me, 

But please keep reading and hear me out. 

I could argue my scientific background and understanding, I do have an RN BSN for goodness sakes. I understand disease and the human body VERY well. 

But I’m not going to argue that. 

I’m going to argue to you my spiritual position and why I chose to not let the fear of death control my life. 

Let’s start with this verse:

“What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:29‬ ‭NLT‬‬

 In this sermon Jesus tells his followers not to worry because the LORD knows when every single bird in the world dies. These birds we see as worthless are known by the Father. 

“So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:31‬ ‭NLT‬‬

We are not to fear. The LORD knows our life. 

How about this verse? I wrote a whole post about it regarding the birth of my daughter. But instead of looking at the first day of life, let's talk about the last day. 

“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139:16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Before I was a being on this earth, the LORD already saw and knew who I would be. He created me. 

Not only did He create me, but He saw every single day of my life. He knew the day I would be born and the day I would leave this earth. 

My death will not surprise him. 

In fact, no death on this earth surprises him. From the most well known king to the tiniest little sparrow. 

Let me give you one more:

“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:27‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Kind of a simple verse, but one not often practiced. 

Jesus is telling us that we cannot prolong our lives. No worry, caution, or concern will keep you here longer. 

Of course that makes no sense to the world. The world doesn’t even believe in the divinity or wisdom in the teachings of Jesus. The world doesn’t have hope for a life after this one. 

The world needs to fear and do whatever they can to live longer, because to them, this is it. 

But we have hope in more. We have the promise of a life with Jesus after this one. 

If I sincerely believe the word of God, then I must believe all of it. I believe that what Jesus spoke is an accurate representation of heaven. 

If I believe that then I must believe that my days are numbered and nothing I can do will prolong my life. I must also believe that this is true for every other human being in this world. 

No pandemic in history has ever surprised God. 

There are even references in the Bible to times that the LORD caused disease. 

To me, fear of death is a serious fear. And I’m sorry, but it is a sin. 

Would you still be able to love God if he took away the life of someone you love? If not then that person has become an idol. Maybe it’s not someone else, but your own life you love too much. You have become your own god and must sustain your own life at all costs. 

Sorry if you are having a hard time with this, but it's actually a non-negotiable. 

In no way do I want to see my husband or children or family members die until they live a nice long life. 

But no mask or isolation or shot will prolong my life. Nor theirs. 

I pray the events of the last two years are in the past, but I know it realistically could happen again. 

But even if it doesn’t, people will still fear for their lives. 

And so will members of the Body. 

So if you made it this far it is either because you wholeheartedly agree or you pushed through to hear and hopefully understand what I had to say. 

Either way my charge to you is this: take this idea and sit on it. Pray it back to the LORD and mull these verses over with him. Examine your own thoughts on this subject. 

Worrying will not extend your life by even an hour. 

So ask yourself: “why do I still worry?”

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