Fear on Both Sides of the Fence

Fear on Both Sides of the Fence

I initially outlined this passage about stabby jabbys over two years ago, before there was a pandemic or a polarized debate on who and how often someone would need to get them. I forgot about it and then the Lord laid it on my heart again.

I am using that delightful term “stabby jabby” in the post for two reasons.

  1. it brings a little lightness to a serious subject

  2. we now live in a world where opinions outside of what the mainstream says are not allowed. It's my not so secret code word to keep it searchable and available!

I live in a community that holds every level of opinion, but one common thing I see on both sides of the fence is fear. 

I have family members and friends at church who are all in support of the newest stabby jabby and ran right out to get it. I also have family members and friends who are adamantly against it with both legitimate and irrational concerns. 

Each side seems completely convinced that they are in the right and everyone else is wrong. 

Both sides are accusing the other of living in fear, when they themselves are being just as fearful. 

On one side we have a fear of dying or killing a loved one. To these people the risk of taking it is worth it. 

On the other side we have a fear of the serious short and long term side effects as well as fear of the government control coming from mandates. 

I know people who refuse to associate with anyone who does not have the tell tale card of approval making them “safe”.

I know people leaving decades long careers to avoid being forced to take it. 

My question to my fellow believers is this:

What is Jesus saying to you?

I'm not asking you what the bible says on the subject. I have seen both sides pull out scripture that they believe supports their point of view. 

My question is, have you sat down to pray about this? 

Because what I see is a spirit of fear. 

That spirit of fear possessing you is not from the Lord. You can call it “wisdom” or “brotherly love”, but that would be a lie. So I am going to call it what it is. Any opinion that does not align with the heart of the Father is fear. 

Instead of praying that your neighbor would get their own stabby jabby or that the higher ups would ban the mandates, have you sat and just asked the Father what his heart is on the matter? 

Are you willing to lay down your preconceived notions on either side of the fence to follow the Holy Spirit?

I am in no way trying to persuade you one way or the other. I have my own personal strong opinion about it, but I don’t believe my opinion should be everyone else’s. 

What I am trying to persuade you in is this:

If your decision is based out of fear, then it is the wrong decision

If you are obsessing over what the news and the media is saying then you are in fear

If you are thinking about it all day, every day, then it has become your god

Here is my advice to you dear one:

Turn off your TV. Get rid of the super polarized political opinions in your daily feed. 

If you are feeding yourself garbage, then what will come out of you will be the same. 

Spend more time enjoying creation. Spend more time just playing with your kids. 

Spend more time in the Word. Spend more time in prayer. 

Memorize scripture and hide it in your heart. Be so full of Jesus that there isn’t room for anything else. 

Don’t be worried about what your neighbor is doing or what is happening in this country. 

Jesus is above it all. 

Concentrate on what your specific assignment is. If you are called to be working in a hospital and you cannot keep working without the stabby jabby then ask the Lord what your decision should be. 

Maybe it means you are meant to work in a different field or he is calling you into something else. Maybe it means you are to lay down your fear, get it, and trust that he will heal you and protect you from the side effects.  It’s a big decision to make, so be sure to make it with the Father.

(Side note: you cannot trust the Lord to keep you safe from dying from a viral infection yet fear the side effects of a poke. You either trust him or you don’t) 

Let me leave you with one last nugget.

2 Timothy 1:7. 

God DID NOT give you a spirit of fear

Fear is not from him. We know perfect love casts out fear. God is love and fear is not him. 

God gave you a spirit that allows you to operate in power, love, and with a sound mind. 

So whatever the issues, whether masks or holding church services or taking the stabby jabby, do it as unto the Lord. Give it to him. 

If he is leading you into one decision or another, be at peace with it and don’t worry about what your brother or sister is saying. 

Just whatever you do, do not make your decision in fear. 

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